- Representative
- Hiroshi Ando
- Access
- Telephone Number
- 03-3632-2828
- Email Adress
- info@tomei-g.co.jp
- Business Hours
- 09:00a.m.-18:00p.m.
(Regular Holiday:/Public Holiday)

Women’s interest towards beauty and fashion has been changing nowadays. They used to enjoy wearing clothes in the almost same mode until several years earlier, however, various fashion style of great originality have been accepted and appreciated lately. In other words, as women contemplate their suitable way of living more than before, they have come to make selection of goods complying with their own sense of values and purposes. Such tendency has been popular to a big extent for the inner wear market as well as the outer wear market. Manufacturers that provide consumers with products are now required to precisely and promptly conform to the existing diverse requests. Products of inner fashion which have developed constantly by obtaining both new style and new function are now facing strong requirement of new advancement.
Inner fashion merchandise needs to keep on improving by securing sort of balanced status enjoying design, function, pricing, and time frame of releasing, etc. We Tomei Corporation has three tips to present consumers with higher quality products. Firstly, we have an “information-gathering ability” by which we widely collect and deeply analyze information related to the market situation such as popularity, tendency, existing needs, effective production etc. Secondly, we can utilize “team work” which enables us to carry out integrated manufacturing steps of planning, procurement of materials, distribution, shipment, etc. and eventually we can materialize such competitive performance as 1) small quantity production, 2) high variety of goods, 3) quick response to enquiries, 4) short-term delivery, 5) securing customers’ business opportunity. Lastly, third tip is “conforming to the social expectations”. We assure customer of satisfaction and contribution to the beauty and health for females living in the current matured era. Tomei Group companies will keep on responding to consumers’ requirements which will be more and more changeable and complicated year after year.
Tomei group companies have full confidence in our ability to perform consistently integrated production by effective cooperation of planning division, procurement division, and production division together with identical information. The ordering information that is simultaneously supplied to the respective division is called “WHITE BOARD (Production Planning)” and it shows total procedures from orders received to deliveries. The routine is regularly executed as follows; 1) The Planning division at Child Co., Ltd. creates the specification sheets upon the receipt of the order placement by customers. The designs, colors, options, units and other related information are described in the sheets. 2) The production division determines the necessary materials and fill the information in the stipulated Order Sheet and then the sheet is handed over to Tomei Co., Ltd. At the same time, the preparation works for manufacturing such as scheduling and quantity checking are being carried out depending on the production management system. 3) The production and planning division initiate production by using CAD&CAM system speedily. 4) The completed products shall be subject to the approval by the inspection division. 5) The logistic division ship out the products accordingly. The above proceedings are checked and released to the parties concerned at real time basis and furthermore the data can be fed back to the customers whenever necessary.